oooh ali this might take some doing. for this award you have to think of 6 lies and 1 truth about yourself or 6 truths and 1 lie , thank & link the person who nominated you, pop the award on your blog and nominate 7 others.
Here are mine
1) I have never broken a bone
2) I don't drink alcohol
3) I have 2 brothers and one sister
4) I have lived in 18 different houses
5) I have never been on an aeroplane or a boat
6) My no 2 son was in the army
7)I have been pregnant 4 times
I would like to nominate:
Scatty jan
mad frog
tired mom
In case you wondered all are true except no 6 . my no 2 son was in the raf
Ok I think you chose 6 truths and a lie and the lie is ...
that you have lived in 18 houses? You've lived in 19? lol